Which RA? Service

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Which RA? Service

Which RA? is a simple service that has been built to examine the type/value pairs returned from Handle resolution and provide specific information that is available from the DOI Proxy. This service returns the name of the DOI Registration Agency (RA) responsible for a specific DOI name, or group of DOI names.

The service is requested by using the command



<doi-names>: single DOI name or a list of DOI names separated by commas
If a DOI name contains commas, then the commas must be percent encoded (see DOI Name Encoding Rules for URL Presentation).
Note that shortDOI names are not supported.

A bit of JSON specifying the name of the RA is returned.

For example, resolving https://doi.org/doiRA/10.5240/B1FA-0EEC-C316-3316-3A73-L will return:



   "DOI": "10.5240/B1FA-0EEC-C316-3316-3A73-L",

   "RA": "EIDR"



A full list of RA names and abbreviations can be found on the web site. Possible error states include “Invalid DOI”, “DOI does not exist” and “Unknown”.