<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Overview of the DOI Foundation Roles |
The DOI Foundation is the DOI System registration authority and maintenance agency and the central body which governs the DOI System. It is the common management and co-ordination body for DOI Registration Agencies. It also manages those aspects of the DOI System that are put through external standardization procedures, as well as those aspects of the DOI System that are dealt with through internal policies and procedures. Responsibilities of the registration authority include:
•to promote the proper use of the DOI System (and ISO 26324, the ISO specification)
•to maintain the DOI System technical infrastructure and data in accordance with the needs of the users
•to establish guidelines regarding allocation, registration, maintenance and dissemination of DOI names
•to continuously adapt the DOI Handbook and guidelines to meet the needs of the market
•to respond to enquiries and information requests related to ISO 26324 in a timely manner
•to establish due diligence and quality assurance procedures of the DOI System